2 Important Steps to Follow after Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign Treatment

Wearing of invisalign braces demands dedication! But at the same time it is very much important to know the steps required to take after invisalign treatment gets over. Without following correct steps, the teeth may shift out of actual place hence making all efforts in vain.

Important Steps after Invisalign Treatment

It is better not to fall into a false sense of comfort after teeth get straightened. In order to ensure that they will remain straight, a couple of vital steps as mentioned under must be followed:

  • Wearing retainers every night – It is well known that retainers maintain the tension on teeth in order to hold them in right place after treatment gets over. In case they are not worn each and every night following treatment, they may shift back to their previous positions. The mistake committed by people in the first place is all about not wearing retainers regularly.

Though wearing of retainers every night may seem to be a tedious task, they must be worn as they are hardly invasive. They are very much similar to invisalign aligners that were worn during treatment. Moreover, retainers do a lot more than just keeping your teeth in a straight position.

They help a lot in protecting the teeth from wear and tear that take place due to teeth grinding during nighttime. As retainers are manufactured primarily with the help of plastic, they are subjected to wear themselves. This is the reason why invisalign dentist in London recommends a new retainer at the interval of every nine to twelve months.

Cleaning Procedure Related to Retainers

After invisalign, it is very much important to keep your retainer free from building up of harmful bacteria. Firstly, it is advised not to brush the retainer with toothpaste as it is abrasive and may make your retainer hold a dull shine to the retainer along with leading towards stained teeth and bacteria build up.

The retainer can be scrubbed thoroughly with soapy water and toothbrush regularly. There are especially manufactured tablets that help to keep retainers in a clean state. The tablet needs to be allowed to melt in water. Afterwards, the retainers must be soaked into the solution for about 20 minutes.

  • Scheduling regular dental checkups–Scheduling of regular dental checkups with local orthodontist plays a very important role especially in cases of former patients. During a checkup session, the dentist examines the bite to verify if teeth are on their way to shift or become crowded.

They also put up questions regarding the feeling about bite along with duly focusing the way teeth get clamped together along with stability of bite. In case any sort of damage is visible with a retainer, it is replaced by a new one. The teeth may also get polished and reshaped to reestablish a stable bite.

In order to keep the teeth straight along with smile in a beautiful state, a clean retainer must be worn every night along with being in touch with a local Invisalign dentist in London on a regular basis.

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